Allocation of meat product impacts

The databases

Databases for the allocation of environmental impacts of meat co-products of cattle and sheep breeds

These databases have been developed within the framework of the project "Biophysical allocation of meat co-products", carried out in collaboration between INRAE, Idele, and Célène, and financed by Interbev between June 2019 and June 2020. They are the subject of:

  • Un Data Paper : Allocation factors for meat coproducts : dataset to perform life cycle assessment at slaughterhouse Journal Title : Data in Brief Corresponding Author : Dr. Aurelie wilfart Tous les auteurs : Samuel Le Féon ; Joël Aubin ; Armelle Gac ; Lapasin Christophe ; Aurelie wilfart.
  • A provision on the INRAE Dataverse Dataverse INRAE 

These data represent an important summary of the body composition of cattle and sheep, as well as the breakdown of carcasses into different co-products. They provide a number of useful elements for those interested in meat co-products, and for users of the Life Cycle Assessment method to calculate the environmental impacts of meat co-products.
They include: