
The MEANS (MulticritEria AssessmeNt of Sustainability) platform is the result of the decision of the French National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRAE) to provide the scientific community with comprehensive and modular software for multi-criteria assessment of agricultural and agri-food systems.

The approach of the MEANS platform is part of an ambitious spirit of sharing, in which users are invited to improve the knowledge of the community by providing the data they collect and calculate and the models they use.

Eight research divisions of INRAE (ALIMH, CEPIA, EA, MIA, PHASE, SAD, SAE2, SPE) support this initiative for the collection, sharing and capitalization of data produced within institutional or collaborative research projects.

The key concept of sustainability (social, economic, environmental) lies at the heart of the platform, which covers the scientific fields of plant production, animal production and process engineering of agricultural products.

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05 April 2023


Means-InOut - Software for ecodesign

This document describes how the MEANS-InOut program can contribute to an ecodesign approach by estimating environmental impacts of agricultural products and identifying possible mitigation options.