Platform for multicriteria assessment of sustainability

EMC tools

Life cycle assessment tools (LCA)

LCA inventory with Means-InOut

The MEANS platform provides two complementary software tools that enable users to assess agri-food systems.


Software for life cycle inventory data management.

Allocation of meat product impacts

LCA allocation of meat co-products.


DEXi type tools

Modèle MASC

Evaluation of the contribution to sustainable development of cropping systems.

DEXiPM model

Integrated multi-criteria, multi-scale and multi-actor dynamic crop design and evaluation tool.

Multi-criteria evaluation tool for the sustainability of cropping systems in fruit growing

DEXiFruits is a computer tool co-constructed by INRAE, CTIFL, IFPC and AGROCAMPUS OUEST to enable field players to assess the sustainability of fruit production systems in a given context.

Outil de caractérisation et d’évaluation de systèmes agroforestiers

DEXiAF est un outil informatique gratuit co-construit par INRAE, le GRAB et Unilasalle Beauvais, destiné aux acteurs de terrain et aux formateurs.

Other tools


AFA is a tools for financial and economic analysis of agri-food value chains.


Calcul des indicateurs SyNE (System Nitrogen Efficiency), SyNB (System Nitrogen Balance) et RNE (Relative Nitrogen Efficiency).


Multi-criteria evaluation method for the sustainability of livestock workshops.