Presentation of DEXiFruits

Alice Vélu, Aude Alaphilippe, Frédérique Angevin, Anne Guérin, Pascale Guillermin, Franziska Zavagli
A tool for assessing the sustainability of fruit farming systems

What is DEXifruits and what is it for?

DEXiFruits is a computer tool for multi-criteria evaluation of orchard sustainability.
This tool is usable and common to all stone and pome fruit crops. However, it has been more specifically parameterised for knife apples, cider apples and peaches.
It is used to evaluate the economic, environmental and social performance of orchard practices in its context and to identify its strengths and weaknesses. It can also facilitate the animation of a working group by accompanying the reflection on the performance of existing production systems or the development and implementation of innovative strategies.

By whom was it created?

This tool was co-constructed by Inrae, Ctifl, IFPC and AGROCAMPUS OUEST Centre in Angers. It has also mobilised the experience and technical and scientific skills of more than 100 people from outside the project over the past 8 years.

Who is it for?

  • farmers, alone or in groups, who wish to diagnose the sustainability of their orchard and identify its strengths and weaknesses
  • agricultural advisors and teachers, who will find it a discussion and animation tool to facilitate exchanges on sustainability and the design of innovative systems;
  • research and development, which can use the tool for their experiments and studies.

Points of attention :

  • It is not a certification or labelling tool.
  • This tool does not replace advice! It should be seen as an aid to individual or collective reflection on the performance of orchard practices in their own context. The solutions are to be considered locally and adapted to each case.
  • The designers of DEXiFruits cannot be held responsible for the results of evaluation with the tool.
  • The use of this tool is voluntary.

The DEXiFruits tool was built by a group of researchers, engineers and teachers involving INRAE, technical institutes: Ctifl and IFPC and a higher education institution (AGROCAMPUS OUEST Centre d'Angers). The DEXiPM_Pomefruit tool from which DEXiFruits is derived was registered with the APP in January 2013 (IDDN N° FR.001.070018.000.R.P.2013.000.30100, attributed on 30/01/2013), version 1, which is the property of Inrae.

The use of DEXiFruits is done under the CeCILL-C licence, the download being considered as acceptance of the licence. DEXiFruits may not be used commercially without first contacting and obtaining the agreement of the owners of the DEXi4 software. The CeCILL-C licence allows you to use DEXiFruits without limitation under your own responsibility, the designers and owners of DEXiFruits not being held responsible for the results obtained. It is specified that the possible reuses of DEXiFruits in software developments will have to follow the conditions stated in the CeCILL-C licence.

DixiFruits Partners
Funders DixiFruits

Modification date: 05 May 2023 | Publication date: 27 May 2021 | By: MEANS