Operational Committee

Operational team designs and develops platform tools (software, database, documentation, etc.) and trains and provides support to users

Yannick Biard

Research engineer, agronomist.

Director of MEANS platform
UR Hortsys CIRAD, Montpellier.

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Research engineer, agronomist.

Director of MEANS platform
Research unit Soil, Agro and hydro Systems (SAS), Rennes.

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Engineer, agronomist.

Leader of agronomist team within the platform
Research unit Soil, Agro and hydro Systems (SAS), Rennes.

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Research engineer, agronomist.

Impact assessment in fruit crop production
Gotheron experimental unit for Integrated research (UERI).

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Caroline MALNOE

Research engineer, computer scientist.

Director of MEANS platform and Leader of the IT project within the MEANS platform
Research unit Soil, Agro and hydro Systems (SAS), Rennes.

Christophe Geneste

Engineer, computer scientist.

Information system, administration, data management
Research unit Soil, Agro and hydro Systems (SAS), Rennes.

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Guilhem Rostain

Engineer, computer scientist.

Software developer of the MEANS platform
Cirad, Montpellier.

Sandra Payen

Research engineer, agronomist.

Agronomist specialising in multi-criteria environmental assessment using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
UMR ABSys CIRAD, Montpellier.

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Mathieu Vigne

Research engineer, agronomist.

Domaine d'activités ???
UMR SELMET CIRAD, Montpellier.

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Research engineer, agronomist.

Member of the Platform Council
Research unit Soil, Agro and hydro Systems (SAS), Rennes.

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Modification date: 14 April 2023 | Publication date: 29 January 2021 | By: MEANS