Un logiciel pour la gestion des données d'inventaire du cycle de vie


Software for life cycle inventory data management

Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data is the backbone of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). They reflect the modelling choices made by the practitioner and can strongly influence the results of environmental impact calculations. The high sensitivity of these data is the reason why they must be accurately documented and strive for the best possible quality.

High-quality, well-documented LCI data can also be shared among practitioners, leading to productivity gains and improved reproducibility of research, especially among practitioners who do not work on the same life cycle inventory database. Unfortunately, SimaPro (PRé Sustainability B.V.,2020), one of the most widely used LCA software packages, has only limited functionality for documenting, reviewing and exchanging LCI data. ELDAM was developed to fill this gap.


See also

Modification date: 09 May 2023 | Publication date: 12 July 2021 | By: MEANS