

Calculation of SyNE (System Nitrogen Efficiency), SyNB (System Nitrogen Balance) and RNE (Relative Nitrogen Efficiency) indicators

This tool allows for the simple calculation of three indicators:

  • the nitrogen efficiency indicator SyNE (System Nitrogen Efficiency) of a production system. It is based on the NUE (Nitrogen Use Efficiency) indicator, whose biases and shortcomings it corrects by integrating, among other things, variations in soil nitrogen and emissions linked to the manufacture of inputs.
  • the nitrogen pressure indicator SyNB (System Nitrogen Balance) of the production system.
  • the relative nitrogen efficiency indicator RNE (Relative Nitrogen Efficiency) which expresses the nitrogen use efficiency of a production system in terms of the maximum efficiency achievable by each production.

The tool is available at the following address: www.nefficiencycalculator.fr (for those who would like to use it, all you have to do is request an account via the site).

We hope that this tool can be used by researchers, engineers from technical institutes, agricultural advisors and students in our training courses.
The current version of the calculator works for farms producing field crops, forage crops and dairy cows. It is offered free of charge, with all the limitations inherent in a research project.

See also

Modification date: 09 May 2023 | Publication date: 27 May 2021 | By: MEANS