Methods for crop production

A series of tools, based on DEXi technology (Bohanec, 2009), are available on the platform to assess the contribution to sustainable development of cropping systems (crop production). These are multi-attribute methods (MADM), which allow the transparent decomposition of complex problems into criteria that are easier to fill in, arranged as a decision tree. At each node of the tree, an aggregation is performed that allows to weight one criterion in relation to another according to the context, the relative importance of processes or the preferences of actors.

Several models have been developed for field crops and fruit trees: MASC, DEXiPM, and DEXiFruit. Others are under development.

MASC evaluates the three dimensions usually distinguished in sustainability (economic, social, and environmental) through 39 criteria selected to reflect the performance of field crop systems in Western Europe.

DEXiPM also concerns field crop systems. It has been designed for a research audience and aims to evaluate the performance of cropping systems based on the principles of integrated pest management.

DEXiFruits evaluates the sustainability of orchards and was co-constructed by Inrae, Ctifl, IFPC and the Institut Agro Rennes-Angers.

Modification date: 06 April 2023 | Publication date: 29 January 2021 | By: MEANS